
We are a community-driven platform supporting media, journalists and creators.

We believe that journalism can only thrive collaboratively and inclusively— when it’s open to many inputs, backgrounds and forms.

Media festival

We bring together journalists and creators from Europe and all around the world to a special place in Warsaw, Poland to build a “media city” of sorts for them to collaborate, debate and get inspired.

It was my first Mixer event but I’m looking forward to participating in more of them. The format seemed to prioritize effectiveness and utility, while also succeeding in creating a welcoming atmosphere for informal conversations and unwinding.

Olga Rudenko, Editor-in-chief of the Kyiv Independent


Our workshops are uniquely created training sessions that bring you to a higher professional level. We teach you the tools, designed to save time and enrich any story.

AI for newsrooms




… and more

Cross border


Election coverage

We support media of all sizes covering elections. It’s not just about the election day, we help you adjust your operations, train your team, find a competitive advantage and develop custom products.


More about us

We support media and those who support journalism. Learn more about us or how we can work together.